Breast Implants
Dr. Kevin Cook understands that every woman has her own reasons and unique cosmetic goals when she decides to undergo breast augmentation. With the numerous advancements in breast implants made over the past years, selecting an implant that can best meet your personal expectations may seem initially overwhelming. To help you make an educated choice about your breast implants, Dr. Cook will review in detail the advantages of each type of implant during your pre-operative consultation at Midland Plasitc Surgery Center. In addition, you will have the opportunity to try on a variety of “sizers” during the consultation process, enabling you to see how differently-sized implants can enhance your figure.

Breast Implant Options
There are two main breast implant types to choose from: saline and silicone. Each type of implant is approved by the FDA and offers unique benefits for the patient.
Saline Breast Implants
This type of breast implant is filled with a sterile saline solution after being placed inside the breast pocket, allowing Dr. Cook to precisely customize the final size of the breasts. In addition, the incision required to place the implant is typically smaller, which may result in less post-operative scarring. Patients 18 years of age and older may be candidates for saline breast implants, and this type of breast implant is the most commonly used for breast augmentation. Any rupture in the shell of the implant can be easily detected and promptly addressed—in addition, saline is safely absorbed by the body. Saline breast implants may be more prone to rippling or capsular contracture compared to other types of implants.
Silicone Breast Implants
This type of implant is filled with a fixed amount of silicone gel prior to being placed in the breast pocket. As a result, the incision required to place the implant may need to be larger compared to a breast augmentation performed with saline implants. The risk of rippling or capsular contracture may be reduced with silicone implants, and some patients choose these implants for their more natural look and feel. Some silicone breast implants are form-stable and closely mimic the slope and shape of a natural breast. Often called “gummy bear” breast implants, this advanced option can often achieve the best overall proportions for women of a certain body and breast type. Candidates for silicone breast implants must be at least 22 years of age. In cases of rupture, a silicone breast implant will be less obvious than a saline implant, and patients with silicone breast implants should routinely have their breasts examined to detect any leakage from the outer silicone shell.
Selecting Your Implant Size
Choosing the right implant size, one that not only adds volume but also yields the best results for your overall body proportions, is one of the most important decisions you’ll make before breast augmentation. Midland's premier plastic surgeon, Dr. Kevin Cook strives to create full, youthful, and natural silhouettes for all his patients while also fulfilling their aesthetic desires. Though many of our patients have the goal of a “c-cup,” breast implants are sized by volume, not cup size. To help you decide which size can best achieve your cosmetic goals, sizers can be tested during the consultation process, giving you a visual of your potential results. Dr. Cook can also offer you his recommendation for an implant size that will compliment your figure and proportions. Silicone implants are selected by a designated size, while saline implants allow Dr. Cook to custom-tailor the volume of your implant at the time of surgery to a size that you have pre-determined.
Ultimately, there are advantages and disadvantages to every type of implant – the best choice all depends on your unique physical anatomy, your goals, and what can provide the most optimal results for your body frame. Dr. Cook will answer all your questions and thoroughly discuss your options at the initial consultation so that you can achieve beautiful, natural-looking breast augmentation.
Breast Augmentation Procedure
Breast augmentation surgery usually lasts approximately one hour, depending on the breast implant type and surgical technique you have chosen. The procedure can be performed as an outpatient. Incisions can be made along the crease of the breast, around the areola, or through the armpit. Dr. Cook will help you choose an incision type that is most appropriate for your needs. He is very experienced with breast surgery procedures and will work diligently to ensure any residual scarring is as light as possible.
Recovery and Results
After breast augmentation surgery, many of our patients experience some soreness and swelling. Any post-operative discomfort can be alleviated with medication. The techniques employed by Dr. Cook during your procedure are intended to both abbreviate your recovery time as well as minimize the appearance of any scars. Most of our patients return to their daily activities within five to seven days after the procedure.
Breast augmentation surgery has a very high patient satisfaction rate and a low complication rate. Incisions tend to heal quickly and scars can be treated with topical medication to significantly reduce their appearance.
Breast Lift and Augmentation
Although breast augmentation can give the breasts a slight lift by restoring lost volume, the procedure is not designed to significantly change the position of the breasts. Women who have sagging or drooping breasts due to stretched skin can have the breasts elevated on the chest wall to a more youthful position with a breast lift. A breast lift can also be used to relocate and/or resize the nipple/areola complex. Some women choose to combine a breast lift with augmentation, which adds fullness for more complete rejuvenation. Dr. Cook can help you choose which option is best suited for your needs.
Breast Augmentation Cost
Dr. Cook customizes each breast augmentation according to the patient’s unique needs and goals. During the consultation process, he will review your choices, design your custom-tailored surgical plan, and provide you with the total cost for your breast augmentation procedure. Factors that can impact the price of breast augmentation include the implant type, incision type, implant location, and the overall complexity of the procedure. When comparing the cost of different breast implant surgeons, patients should keep in mind that the experience of the surgeon and the geographic location of the practice can often influence the price.
For patients who are interested in using loans to help with the cost of elective procedures, we accept payment with popular plastic surgery financing options.