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Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight fluctuations can leave excess skin around the breasts, causing a “sagging” effect. Gravity and the natural aging process can also cause the skin to lose elasticity and negatively impact the overall shape of the breasts.


While breast augmentation or breast reduction is used to increase or decrease the volume of the breasts, a breast lift (also called a mastopexy) can elevate and reposition the breasts, giving them a firmer, smoother appearance. More specifically, breast lift surgery is a plastic surgery procedure designed to correct drooping breasts, enhance breast shape, raise the breasts on the chest wall, and improve breast symmetry. 

Breast Lift at Midland Plastic Surgery Center

What is a Breast Lift (Mastopexy)?

While breast augmentation or breast reduction is used to increase or decrease the volume of the breasts, a breast lift (also called a mastopexy) can elevate and reposition the breasts, giving them a firmer, smoother appearance. More specifically, breast lift surgery is a plastic surgery procedure designed to correct drooping breasts, enhance breast shape, raise the breasts on the chest wall, and improve breast symmetry. In addition, many women seek mastopexy to improve the position of the nipples, reduce the size of the areolas, or to serve as an additional procedure to breast augmentation for a more comprehensive rejuvenation.


By customizing breast lift surgery to meet your specific needs and goals, Dr. Kevin Cook can restore the firmness and position of the breasts, resulting in a more youthful and “perky” appearance. If you are considering mastopexy and want to learn more about the procedure, we welcome you to explore the informative sections provided below or contact our practice today.

Breast Lift Benefits

Women who benefit most from breast lift surgery have typically experienced aesthetic breast changes resulting from motherhood, aging, genetics, significant weight gain/loss, hormone fluctuations, and/or simply gravity. For patients who are looking to significantly enhance the appearance of their breasts, mastopexy can help with:

  • Eliminating loose, sagging skin and a “drooping” appearance

  • Elevating the position of the breasts

  • Tightening and smoothing breast skin for a more youthful appearance

  • Rejuvenating the breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • Reducing the size of the areolas

  • Repositioning the nipples


Dr. Cook can custom-tailor breast lift surgery to accommodate your unique cosmetic goals. If you would like to discuss your individual concerns with our board-certified plastic surgeon, please schedule a consultation today.

Breast Lift with Augmentation

At our practice, patients have the option to combine breast lift surgery with the placement of breast implants for a more comprehensive rejuvenation. Breast implants can provide additional shape, fullness, and firmness for contours and overall results that often cannot be achieved with a breast lift alone. Dr. Cook is highly-experienced in breast lift surgery with augmentation (also called augmentation-mastopexy), and he works together with each patient to develop a unique surgical plan that can create the look she desires.

Breast Lift Consultation

At your initial consultation, Dr. Cook will carefully listen to your personal concerns and expectations to better understand your individual desires. During this one-on-one consultation for a breast lift procedure, he will review your medical history, perform a physical exam, and determine the appropriate procedures for you. By fully educating you about the benefits and risks of breast surgery, Dr. Cook enables you to make well-informed choices about your body and your health.

Breast Lift Procedure

Breast lift surgery lasts approximately one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half hours, depending upon the extent of the procedure. Typically, excess skin is removed via an incision around the areola that extends down toward the crease of the breast; however, there are a number of techniques that can be performed for this surgery. During your consultation, Dr. Cook will help you determine the one that is right for your needs. Once the excess skin has been removed, the remaining skin will be tightened and the breasts lifted to a higher position. Dr. Cook is experienced with breast lift procedures and will make every effort to ensure any residual scarring is as light as possible.

Breast Lift Recovery and Results

After breast lift surgery, patients will experience some soreness and swelling. Post-operative discomfort can be controlled with oral pain medication. A compression garment or sports bra worn in the weeks following surgery can aid in the healing process. Most patients are able to return to their normal levels of activity after five to seven days; however, Dr. Cook recommends patients avoid strenuous upper body exercise or heavy lifting for at least six weeks.


Dr. Cook aims to make the results of breast lift surgery look not only beautiful, but also natural. This procedure has helped women all over the world achieve firmer, “perkier” breasts along with more confidence in their appearance.

Breast Lift Cost

Breast lift surgery is a highly individualized procedure, which makes the pricing unique for each patient. During your consultation, Dr. Cook can evaluate your needs—based on your anatomy, concerns, and goals—and determine an accurate overall cost for surgery. The ultimate price depends upon several factors and preferences, including:

  • The complexity of the breast lift

  • Inclusion of nipple repositioning and/or areolae reshaping

  • Whether or not breast implants are placed

  • Surgeon’s fees (often based on the level of experience)

  • Anesthesiology and hospital fees

  • Post-operative medications

  • The geographic location of the practice


If you would like to explore plastic surgery financing options, we accept third-party lenders offering loans for elective procedures. Qualified applicants may receive affordable loans or flexible payment plans that make it easier to cover the expense of treatment.

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