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Face & Chin Implants

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Cook is a top provider of facial and chin implants in Midland. Facial implants can enhance the contours of the face, provide stronger features, and increase overall facial harmony.


Chin implants are the most popular facial implant, as they can improve the look of the neck as well as create a more prominent chin. Even slightly adjusting the size and shape of your chin can re-proportion and balance the entire face for an enhanced appearance. Cheek implants can also be very beneficial to enhancing the contours of the face and providing a fuller appearance in the cheeks.

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Benefits of Facial & Chin Implants

Facial implants can offer a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Stronger, more prominent chin

  • Increased cheek volume

  • Enhanced jawline

  • Balanced facial features


With his experience and extensive knowledge of facial aesthetics, Dr. Cook can use advanced implants to sculpt and balance your facial features by augmenting your basic bone structure. Dr. Cook focuses on creating results that are long-lasting and look natural. Some of our patients choose to combine facial implant surgery with a procedure such as rhinoplasty for a more comprehensive rejuvenation.

Who Is a Candidate for Facial Implants?

Facial implant surgery can be performed for both men and women, and our board-certified plastic surgeon will utilize his knowledge of facial aesthetics to create or enhance masculine or feminine features. To learn more about how facial implants can help you achieve your cosmetic goals, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Cook today.


During your one-on-one consultation, Dr. Cook will analyze your medical history, perform a thorough physical exam, and determine if you are an ideal candidate for facial implant surgery. These conversations give Dr. Cook an opportunity to listen to your personal expectations and aesthetic concerns.


Dr. Cook takes the time to inform you of all your options, allowing you to make educated choices about your health and body. If you are deemed a good candidate for facial implant surgery, Dr. Cook will then design a custom-tailored surgical plan that can achieve your desired results.

Facial & Chin Implants Procedure

Facial implants are typically made with either silicone elastomer or porous polyethylene materials. During chin implant surgery, an incision is made on the inside of the mouth or underneath the chin to place the implant. The incisions for cheek implants can be made inside the mouth or under the lower eyelid.


Cheek implants, when combined with facelift surgery, do not require any additional incisions for patients undergoing both procedures; however, if the cheek implant procedure is the only treatment being performed, the small incisions can be made on the inside of the mouth or in the lower eyelid areas.


Dr. Cook will discuss which incision placement can best meet your needs during your consultation process. During surgery, he uses the utmost care to minimize any visible scarring. In most cases, facial implant surgery is performed as an outpatient surgery, requires general anesthesia, and takes about one hour to complete.

Facial Implant Results & Recovery

As with most surgery, you should expect some mild bruising and swelling immediately following your facial implant procedure. Keeping your head elevated as much as possible can help reduce swelling and aid in the healing process. Any post-operative discomfort during this time can be managed with pain medication.


For the first few days after surgery, some patients may experience temporary difficulty speaking or smiling. Most patients are able to return to work within two to three days, and they typically resume their full daily routines within seven days. With facial implants you can beautifully enhance the contours of your chin and cheeks while renewing balance among facial features.

Facial Implants Cost

The price of facial implant surgery varies based on the type of implant(s). At the end of your initial consultation, Dr. Cook can provide you with an accurate quote for the cost of your facial implants based upon your custom-tailored surgical plan. Some patients may benefit from our plastic surgery financing options, which can offer qualified patients low monthly payments with little to no interest. To learn more about how you can finance your facial implants with these options, please contact a member of our staff today.

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